Working with Incident Agencies
Select the partner agencies that participated in the incident; e.g. medevac helicopter, EMS transport agency, law enforcement, others.
Primary Agency: When another fire department was the primary - i.e. your fire department was providing mutual aid or auto aid - then set that department (agency) as the primary agency. When done much of the NFIRS report is NOT required, and Responserack will complete the NFIRS "aid given" fields.
Select Agencies Involved
Tap right to select the agencies involved.
Selecting the Primary Agency
Select the primary agency when you provided aid (e.g. mutual or auto or other aid) to that fire department. Once a primary agency is selected, Responserack will require very little from your NFIRS report (since that NFIRS requirement is on the primary agency) and Responserack will complete the NFIRS aid given information.