Roles & Responsibilities

Responserack supports various roles and responsibilities within the system.

Member Role / Responsibility

At a minimum, each account that is allowed to log into Responserack is member. Members can view incident reports, their briefings and view / communicate with other members. Members can add incident reports and edit reports (up until the administrator marks them compete.)

Members are mainly responsible for incident response; putting the wet stuff on the red stuff, and Responserack offer them services targeted to their typical needs; no more, no clutter. Less is more when it comes to being middle-of-the-night simple.

Administrator Role / Responsibility

Administrators can be operational or non-operational members who can update incidents, and perform the incident workflow, including processing incidents for NFIRS and exporting.

Administrators have their own services for managing incidents, managing members and for reporting.

Overhead Role / Responsibility

Overhead (the play on words refering to officers; i.e. those over head in the incident command structure, but also those surplus to requirements) are those who manage / monitor other members.

Overhead have their own services for reviewng members. Since the training officer is typically the person responsibile for adding the mose events (training events), and managing event (completing them), the event workflow is amongst these services.

Control Role / Responsibility

Control allows configuring of department resources, from apparatus to agencies to incident categories and more.

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