Incident Administration Process / Workflow Overview (Incident State)

Incident Administration involved two small workflows, one after the other. First to prepare a report for the department's records, second to prepare a report for submission to the state/territory as NFIRS.


#1 Department Completion Workflow

Placeholder incidents become preliminary once the Firefighter / Officer enters information. Administrators complete those preliminary reports.

State Description Task Performed
Placeholder Automatically entered from Dispatch / CAD Initial entry, should soon be edited by firefighter or officer.

: Those departments without CAD integration, who manually enter their incidents, do not encounter this state.
Preliminary Report entered by Firefighter / Officer Firefighter / Officer has completed the steps; dates/time, narrative, attendance, apparatus, agencies, etc. Perhaps added attachments.
Complete Reviewed and Completed by an Administrator (a second pair of eyes, done in the Administration website.)  Double-checked; reviewed narrative for completeness / correctness and marked as "complete" for records. 

#2 NFIRS Processing Workflow

Once every period (maybe a week, or two weeks, or month, or quarter ... as dictated by your state or territory NFIRS point of contact) review incidents for export to NFIRS.

State Description Task Performed
Complete = NFIRS Preliminary Not yet NFIRS reviewed Initial State from Above Completion
NFIRS Processed NFIRS review, processing   Providing additional data based upon the NFIRS requirements 
NFIRS Excluded  NOT for NFIRS  e.g no responders were available,
NFIRS Exported Once exported to NFIRS Download and upload to eNFIRS, or emailed to your state or territory Point of Contact

Note: Incidents are available for reporting / analysis at any stage, but clearly the more attention given to them, the more representative the data, and accurate the outputs.

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