NFIRS Critical Validation

NFIRS only accepts incidents with no critical validation issues.

Examples of critical validations:

  • Some elements (fields) are required. NFIRS demands key information such as incident type, actions taken, location details, and more.
  • Some element values (data) cannot be mismatched. One cannot set fire actions taken on a non-fire (e.g. Other) incident type.
  • Some modules (forms, collections for fields) enforce the required for others. Based upon the incident type (e.g. 111 - Building Fire) other modules (e.g. Structure Fire module) is then required.

NFIRS validations are typically resolved by adding additional data, or reviewing the data carefully. NFIRS does model real world fire incidents.

Location Critical Validations

NFIRS required locality, state / territory and  zip code on all locations.

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